Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Update on contract and other randomness


I updated my watercolor and ceramics pages with more of my past works if you want to go check them out!

I have also almost finished my second painting for my contract...just need to add some sky and more contrast within the woods!

In the process of working on this one I managed to splatter the sky of the other one next to it with grey paint right next to the left tree :( grrr... Oh well I guess I can add some birds :)

Also cute baby...many moons ago I found this picture of a baby and then I found it again last night and its giggling eyes just brightened my day. I needed some stress reliever so I drew the face. (the original is even cuter) One out of ten people said the baby was creepy....WHAT!? Its all pudgy and cute.

Have a happy week! And if you live in snowy place keep warm and build snowmen! If you live in a warm place do whatever you do when you don't have snowmen to build.


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