"Sweet Dreams": This cuteness was an assignment that is quite the opposite of the elephant below. It is called "The Bold and The Beautiful". My teacher challenged us to go big with this painting and use not only paint but ink. All of the black in this painting ink. I went through and drew everything that I wanted black and then went through with a few washes of color.
Untitled: This is based off of a place I saw on my way to Philadelphia.
Untitled: This painting was an assignment for my watercolor class. I am not sure of the exact measurements but I think it had to be less than 4x4 inches. This one is about 2x3. The matte around it is 5 inches to emphasize the tininess of the painting.
"Beauty Compared": This painting is one of the only ones so far where I have not used a picture to get the basic idea from. These pictures are completely conceptual.
"Tea Set": This is a painting from another assignment in which I used a bunch of random items (bubble gum wrapper, magazine pictures, shells, etc.) from a bag to inspire a painting. Ta da!
"Ferris Wheel": I did this painting on my own over the summer. I like cityscapes and playing with different ways of painting the sky so this was a combination of those two.
"Lollipop": What can I say lollipops are delicious and colorful and fun to paint...so there! (sorry about the blurriness..camera probs)
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