Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Art show!

Hey lovely people,

I am going to be in an art show for my art class this Friday. Here is a picture of my creative processes in my basement

Because I am doing an architecture theme it am using doors to decorate my booth as well as hang my art on. If you have been reading my blogs you will know that I tend to use bits of nature in my paintings and that is why I have all the flowers.

I'll let you know how it turns out...there will be 27 other amazingly gifted creative people from the Honors Art family making amazing booths as well.

Have a lovely week and keep on being creative, because hey, this world would be boring without you!


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Contract #3...and other bits of advice

Sorry I that I have not posted in a while. I have been so busy with art and school and college applications and so much more stuff! In fact my life is about to get even more busy with AP testing and final art shows coming up. Yikes...but exciting!

Anyway moving on to Contract #3 now in my Honors Art class. Here is my first painting and pictures of the process (or most of it) that got me there. I wanted to go for some more bright colors and detailed buildings.

Finished painting. 

This was my original sketch in my sketchbook.

I took this picture right after I claimed that I hated the painting...I think I was not liking the amount of colorful buildings. The lack of sky also probably had something to do with it. Sigh. When will I just take my own advice and not hate my work halfway through. With watercolor especially, it goes through what my teacher calls "The Puberty Stage." This is when the painting just looks strange, like it might be finished but something seems can imagine the correlation with puberty:)

Note of the day: Do not take yourself too seriously! 

Why am I saying this? Well here's what happened at work this week end. I was clearing bread plates from a table at the restuarant where I work. During the process I managed to drop silverware down the back of some guys seat...awkward. Later I was opening the door to the basement to do some laundry (this was also at work in full view of customers) and I opened the door into my face...I sort of bruised my forehead. 

I could have just felt bad and embarrassed the rest of the night...but instead I found myself laughing at my own awkwardness. Hey, have fun live life the to fullest and DON't take yourself too seriously!

Have a happy week!
